Friday, September 19, 2014

My Story

Shannon's Story

In February 2013, I was introduced to Young Living at what I would consider my all time low.  I was suffering from mild postpartum depression, daily migraines and a 3 month old baby with severe acid reflux.  I started my day with Advil and coffee and was always in a constant brain fog and severely exhausted. (I also ended the day with Advil)

Both child and I were medicated, I didn't like how the antidepressants were affecting me I'd gone from emotional to numb and my tiny baby was taking Ranitidine (Zantac) about 4 times a day.  I figured if I could use some essential oils and make myself feel better than everything else would fall into play.

What I didn't bargain for was the transformation that I was about to experience.  I haven't had a migraine in 18 months and the count continues to go up.  I've walked out of the brain fog and now have clarity, no more fuzzy thoughts.  My husband comments that he's never seen me so precise and focused and we've been together almost 10 years, apparently I was living in brain fog even prior to have my children. The changes I made in my life included not only immersing Young Living into my life but changing my environment by going chemical free in my home and body care.  I always knew my migraines were environmental however, I didn't realize that environment was more than the weather.

As for that little baby with the severe acid reflux, we were able to ditch the Ranitidine and treat the baby reflux with essential oils and an enzyme supplement. She is now a thriving almost 2 year old with no lasting effects.

Essential oils and natural wellness have become part of my everyday from the first moment I wake up until I fall asleep each night.  We use the oils not only on ourselves but our children as well as our furry kitty friend, Rosie.

I would love to take the opportunity to share essential oils with you and also help you meet the wellness goals you have for yourself and your family.

Shannon Tompkins, Joyful Droplets
Young Living Leader #1418027

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